
Saturday, November 12, 2011

And it begins....

The day I decided to try and lose weight, I was 260 pounds or so, but I never FELT fat (although I did look it, let's be real).  I guess because I couldn't see myself, I felt gorgeous and sexy, and didn't realize that my outside wasn't reflecting the beautiful person I was within.  That is not to say that I was not, or do not consider myself pretty, only that inside I was this vibrant, sexy woman that could do anything and go anywhere, when in fact, my sedentary lifestyle was going...nowhere....literally. As far as personal health, that is.  I know that I am a sexy, beautiful, engaging woman at any size, but I want to be healthier! I want to be more, I just don't want the MORE that I am to be weight.

I look forward to losing weight, but I have to be honest and say, I am terrified at the changes I realize I'll have to make to get and keep this weight off!  No fast food?  What will I eat?!  Working out? All I'm thinking about is how hard seems and how sore I will be and still have to do all the things I do daily. Drinking water?  Will it be coffee flavored?  

In the end, big changes will mean big results, and that is what will keep me going long after the Icy Hot runs out.

I know from seeing the pictures that the more results I see, the harder I'll want to work, but of course I have to get there first!  Join me on this journey, I can't promise there won't be a few flat tires (to go along with the spare one I carry around) but I can promise you it'll be filled with laughs!

                                            Current Weight: 235

1 comment:

  1. Lol .. very cute, I will join you Ericka ... right now I'm doing a 21 day cleanse, no meat, no alcohol, very little carbs and dairy .. mainly fruit and veggies and yes only water. I have 8 days left and I counting them down like I'm in prison awaiting my release! ... I will say that I have lost about 5 pounds so far. Haven't been working out like I should, only about 1 to 2x a week.
